

来源:beat365 作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2016-09-18


报告题目(英文):Aberystwyth, Wales: a fantastic place to be a student

报告人:Stephen Tooth 教授,英国亚伯大学 地理与地球科学学院




报告人简介:His main research interests focus on geomorphology & sedimentology, especially in the drylands of Australia & southern Africa. Particular research themes include: anabranching rivers; floodplains & floodouts; wetlands in drylands; channel-vegetation interactions; bedrock-influenced rivers; controls on gully erosion; long-term fluvial landscape development; palaeoenvironmental change; & the use of drylands on Earth as analogues for Martian surface environments. I am also interested in environmental issues more generally, including current debates about global climate change & the Anthropocene, & in science education.




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