

来源:beat365 作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2016-11-09


报告题目:How resilient are the Murray and Yangtze River basins of Australia and China——Managing water resources of wetlands using lake sediment proxies

报告人: Giri KattelHydrology and Water Resources Unit, Dept. of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne





The large river basins across the world have contributed significant ecosystem services to the society. The interrelationship between social and ecological systems in these river basins has long history of stability and resilience. However, unprecedented external drivers, including altered demographics, increased land use, abrupt climate change, river regulation and excessive water usage all have threatened the stability of the nationally important downstream water resources including the quantity and quality of the aquatic-and-agro-ecosystems of these river basins. Further, the magnitude of these drivers is uncertain due to cumulative nature of perturbations. Close management of water resources, including the quantity and quality of ground and surface waters, is essential to maintain the functioning of ecosystems of these river basins. A dynamic balance of ecosystem and society can play an important role in the ecological resilience, and imbalance can cause transitioning of ecosystem from one superior regime to the other, inferior. However, when attempting to maintain this balance, scientists and stakeholders need to work closely together. This talk focuses mainly on the current state of water resources (both quality and quantity) of the Australia’s Murray and China’s Yangtze River basins, and provide management framework on how palaeolimnological approach can help resolve the issue, the changing nature of water resources in both river basins.

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